Below is a group of How-to's that are related to the topic of 'Terminology and Basics' in the CDD to PLM transition category. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
- How to access the PLM training?
- What is the concept of the Design Verification Workflow?
- What is the "Ready For Check in PLM" SmarTeam command ?
- What is the concept of the Assign Drawing(s) Label workflow?
- How does the concept of “Responsibility” relate to the Ready for Check-in PLM SmarTeam feature?
- What are the Control Rules allowed for validating data with the Design Verification workflow ?
- How the Drawing ISO Lifecycle states match with old EDMS/CDD ones?
- What is the difference between the regular Titleblock stamp and the Mini stamp?
- How is the position of the mini stamp defined?