Why request the migration of assemblies?
In the context of the switch from SmarTeam to PLM, and for the purpose of gradually migrating datasets and users to the PLM, we encourage you to request the migration of the assemblies you are currently working on in SmarTeam, so you can continue your work in the PLM.
Vocabulary clarification:
- Pre-migration: Document is visible (read only) in the PLM and still editable in SmarTeam. Setting a document to 'Preliminary' or 'Ready for Check in PLM' will trigger the pre-migration. Any dependencies of that document that will also transition to Preliminary, or are in status higher than preliminary (Released, Ready for Check, valid for integration, rejected etc) will also be pre-migrated.
- Ownership change: Making a pre-migrated document editable in the PLM and read only in SmarTeam.
- Full Migration (or migration): Document is editable in the PLM, and no longer in SmarTeam.
This is the result of the Pre-migration + Ownership change - Externalized: LifeCycle state in SmarTeam for Documents that are fully migrated (no longer editable in SmarTeam).
Before pre-migrating as assembly, please avoid having dependent documents in the following statuses:
- SmarTeam State: New or Checked-out (CAD Documents must be Checked-In or Released)
- SmarTeam lifecycle state: “Checked” (in this case either finish the controls or reject it)
Steps to follow:
Launch the “Pre-Migrate (Set to Preliminary via Item)” command that you will find through the item here:
Carefully read the instructions as well as the summary list, in the window appearing, before clicking on “Execute”.
After the execution, the documents will be set to preliminary and pre-migrated. For more details about this command, go to this How-To.
To request the full migration of your assembly, please write a support ticket to plm.support@cern.ch containing the Item number of the top assembly as well as the responsible/teams that will be involved in the work on this Item. Please specify if the request is urgent or not* (if not specified, the request will be set as Medium).
What’s next?
After analysing your structure, we will provide you with:
- The list of documents that have issues, and among those ones, the documents that the user needs to act on. (Checked-out, New, Checked or In Work lifecycle etc)
- The list of documents for which the ownership change is possible.
According to the migration coordination committee, the PLM support team will change the ownership of requested documents except if:
- The responsible of the document is either not the requester or a member of the provided list of responsible/teams in the ticket.
- The document is used in any other structure than the requested ones. (Where Used property in SmarTeam) in case these parents are not yet in Externalized state (in order to not block any further validation of these documents in SmarTeam).
We will then enter an iterative process, until all the eligible documents to ownership change are fully migrated.
* Details of the migration request priorities:
Critical: User can't work.
Major: Needed within less than 1 week.
High: User wants to work in PLM on these but without expressed deadline.
Medium: User gave the green light to change ownership but do not plan to create new version in PLM.